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College and Career Readiness

Conestoga’s mission is to “Inspire and Prepare for Life”, as we work to meet this mission we also support the Nebraska Department of Education’s (NDE) work in ensuring students are college and career ready.  Through the NDE’s Nebraska Career Education Model, we provide students various opportunities to:


  • explore the diversity of career options available to them.

  • begin to prepare for their career with plans for secondary and post-secondary education.

  • organize curriculum into Programs of Study that prepare students for opportunities in Nebraska’s economy.


Conestoga begins discussing careers in the elementary levels but gets even more in depth when they begin their leadership class in 7th grade.  The work in 7th and 8th grade lays the foundation for students to create a flexible personal learning plan as they work their way through high school.  Students who are interested have the opportunity to complete courses in focused Career and Technical Education courses which can result in earning the level of Concentrator within a program of study.

Conestoga Graduates





● English Language Arts - 40 credit hours, 

● Mathematics – 30 credit hours, 

● Science – 30 credit hours, and, 

● Social Studies – 30 credit hours

Each high school student shall complete a minimum of 200 high school credit hours prior to graduation, and at least 80 percent shall be from the core curriculum prescribed by the State Board of Education (Nebraska Revised Statute 79-729).

English..................................40 Credits

Math......................................40 Credits 

Science ................................40 Credits

Social Studies.......................40 Credits Physical Education ...............10 Credits

Health......................................5 Credits

Fine Arts.................................20 Credits Speech....................................5 Credits Foreign Lang/Voc Ed ............20 Credits

Electives.................................50 Credits 

Total Credits..........................270 Credits

 *Each semester class = 5 credits

College bound students should refer to college admission requirements when choosing courses of study.

English.....................................40 Credits

Math.........................................40 Credits 

Science ...................................40 Credits

Social Studies..........................40 Credits Physical Education .................10 Credits

Health........................................5 Credits

Personal Finance……………….5 Credits

Leadership/Life & Career Readiness……………………….5 Credits

Speech.......................................5 Credits 

Additional Requirements

  • *Fine Arts………………10 Credits

  • *Foreign Language……10 Credits

  • *CTE……………………10 Credits


  • Student selected……….90 Credits

Total Credits..........................270 Credits

(Each semester class = 5 credits)

* minimum requirement

College bound students should refer to college admission requirements when choosing courses of study.

**If a student takes full schedules all four years, they will have more than 270 credits.  Students are always able to go over the minimum credits.  Additionally, if a student takes a course for college credit through SENCAP or another college, they are given a class period BUT it does not count in their high school credits.

