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Mission & Vision Statements

Conestoga Public Schools’ Mission:

            Conestoga inspires and prepares students for life


Governing Values and Beliefs:

The mission of the Conestoga Public Schools is based upon the following values and beliefs:

  • All students can learn and have special gifts
  • Learning is best achieved in an atmosphere of mutual respect, caring, trust, and resiliency
  • Learning is a cooperative responsibility among the home, school, community, and the learner
  • Teaching and learning are both a skill and a passion
  • Learning is a personalized experience


Board of Education Goal:

By 2025, Conestoga will consistently rank in the Top Academic 20% of Nebraska School Districts using standardized assessments and maintain student participation rate of 100% for school extracurricular activities.


Top Strategic Initiatives 2018-2022

  1. Focus on instructional model as top priority task by streamlining expectations and filtering out distractions.
  2. Develop individualized career activity plans for students.
  3. Review and update curriculum, including advanced level courses and occupational /technology courses.
  4. Develop leadership programs within extra-curricular activities.