Welcome Message
Welcome to the Conestoga Public Schools' Special Education page! Our staff serves and provides opportunities to a population with a wide array of abilities.
Our team:
Elementary special education staff:
Amy Macrander - Preschool/Early Childhood Special Education
Diana Franks - Grades PK-4 Speech Language Pathologist
Kellie Schwabe - Grades K-1 and Elementary Behavior Special Education
Emily Rydl - Grades 2-4 Special Education
Lisa Howorth - Grades 4-6 Special Education
Additional staff:
Jennifer Ziola - School Psychologist
Gillian Frost - Occupational Therapist
Kari Weilage - Physical Therapist
Jr/Sr High special education staff:
Claire Boudro - Grades 4-12+ Speech Language Patholoigst
Christine Fritz - Grades 7-12+ Special Education
Michelle Gonderinger - Grades 7-8 Special Education
Dennis Wilfong - High School Special Education
Jeff Harkness - High School Special Education
Feel free to reach out to any of our staff or me with questions, comments or concerns. We look forward to hearing and working with you!